Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Let's get this party started!

Okay. So I removed the old poll. And I added a new one. I deleted all the books that did not get votes last time and obviously removed the one we already read. Please vote for no more than two. If you would like to add another suggestion, please leave a comment to this post. By the weekend we should have our next selection! Anyone up for hosting the next meeting? Or should we go back to meeting at the Earle or some other location?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hold on to your husbands ladies!

Hey I'm not sure if anyone else has finished this book yet but I have. A very quick read that was nicely designed I might add. I promptly sat Ed down and said "We must keep talking and having sex after the baby comes or we're doomed for divorce!" Ed: "Maybe this wasn't the best book choice for you pre-first baby."

Not sure how you all felt or will feel but we will definitely have plenty to discuss. See everyone on Monday!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Book Slut blog

Hey guys - I'm excited about our first book! FYI...I read another book-lovin blog called "Blog of a Bookslut." Here's the url:

Monday, September 28, 2009

And the first book is....

Ta duh duh da I would trade my husband for a housekeeper! Woo hoo! So I was thinking we could all read it and then meet for the first official book discussion of books, babes and bitchin' on Monday, October 19 at Chateau Gatto. I will provide some yummy treats and wine! Let me know if that date works for all of you - if not, give me some alternate dates, I am pretty flexible!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

and while I'm at it

Here is a link for that hilarious style section article about book clubs

Book Club Inspired Road Trip... really really far

Ok so these people are nuts and I like to pretend I'm not an insane twilight obsessed teenager but if I were say in the area, I might have to stop by.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Welcome babes! So excited to be joining you in what I hope will be a long-lived adventure in reading (and boozing and let us not forget, bitching)! This blog is a way that we can keep in touch about the books we read in between meetings - share comments, insights, ideas or complaints (does the book suck? let it all out and bitch).

Take a moment while you are here today to answer the poll and update your profile on our contributors' list!

Looking forward to reading with you!